Facilitating digital access

Digital access sets out to give everyone access to information and communication technologies. The ambition is to guarantee access to ICT tools and the Internet and ensuring that the content provided by the public sector is accessible to a diverse audience.

Some key figures

  • 0,8% Households without Internet access (Eurostat)
  • 90% People with access to the Internet via smartphone (Statec)
  • 9,2% Households without access to a broadband connection (Statec)
  • 11% People not using the Internet outside their home and work (Statec)

This action plan aims to extend and improve access to digital technology, along with prioritising digital inclusion in the design of digital solutions so as to ensure better user-friendliness and increased access (digital inclusion by design). The aim is also to encourage the creation of public access and contact points at the national and municipal level. While widespread and improved digital access must be promoted, it is the government’s intention to continue to provide non-digital access to government services.

The initiatives to facilitate digital access are the following:

1. Research program on digital public services user-friendliness

Establishment of a research programme by the Ministry for Digitalisation and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) on the user-friendliness of public digital services, as well as the socio-technical aspects of the user interface and their impact on digital inclusion. The research programme will examine how new technologies and research can promote digital inclusion.

2. "Gouvernance électronique 2021-2025 " Stratégy

Implementation of the "Electronic Governance 2021-2025" strategy by the Ministry for Digitalisation and the Government IT Centre. The strategy aims to strengthen eGovernment and support the transition to digital governance with the objective of creating real added value for citizens. The ambition is to promote transversal digital accessibility, develop user-centred services, offer attractive online public services and invest in citizens’ trust in online state services.

3. Strengthening the accessibility of digital government services and products

Strengthening efforts to implement accessible digital state services and products through the CTIE in accordance with the ReNow framework (standardisation framework for websites). This framework constitutes an approach and assistance in terms of web quality for state and public sector bodies and entities that includes many aspects of standardisation, such as quality standards, web-accessibility standards and a user-centred approach.

4. Promotion of easy read language on Guichet.lu

Ongoing development and provision of descriptions in easy read (Leichte Sprache) of digital administrative procedures on Guichet.lu by the CTIE.

5. Digital Proxy?

Launch of a legal and technical feasibility study for the possible introduction of a "digital proxy" by the Ministry for Digitalisation to enable a third party to carry out digital administrative procedures on behalf of a relative.

6. Development of the MyGuichet.lu app

Continuous development of the mobile application MyGuichet.lu by the CTIE to provide citizens with simple mobile access to their private space on MyGuichet.lu. This measure supports the development of "cross media access", as set out in "Electronic Governance 2021-2025".

7. Decentralisation of Guichet.lu?

Analysis of the decentralisation potential of Guichet.lu by the Ministry for Digitalisation.

8. Educational supports to access digital government services

Promotion and development of analogue, audio-visual and digital media supports by the CTIE to securely access digital government services. This may include instructional videos, online tutorials, flyers, brochures and user guides, which ensure that all citizens are given support when connecting to and using digital public services.

9. Assessment of public sites and applications' accessibilty

Ongoing assessment of the accessibility of public websites and mobile applications by the government’s Information and Press Service (SIP). In this context, the General Framework for Improving Accessibility (RGAA), adapted to the Luxembourg context, serves as an accessibility reference framework for all Luxembourg administrations. The SIP carries out accessibility checks on public digital content and draws up regular reports on its findings. In addition, the SIP manages complaints about accessibility and ensures effective mediation between citizens and the various administrations while raising awareness of digital accessibility and its legal framework in Luxembourg among the various stakeholders and the public. The SIP manages the digital accessibility portal https://accessibilite.public.lu, which offers access to a set of resources to make websites and mobile applications accessible to the greatest number of people and provides a tool to easily generate accessibility declarations for each published website and application.

10. PDF formats/UA Universal accessibility

Conversion by BEE SECURE, under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, of all its current and future publications into "universal accessibility" PDF/U.A. format.

11. Universal design platforms

Development of inclusive and accessible "universal design" platforms by the National Institute for Public Administration of the Ministry of the Civil Service for administrations and municipalities, which make it possible to offer content (webinars and e-learning) to people with disabilities or with special learning needs.

12. Digital accessibility awareness-raising

Development of digital accessibility and awareness-raising of the various issues connected therewith through the execution of the national action plan for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2019-2024 by the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. The action plan contemplates a more systematic use of easy read language to improve communication for and with people with disabilities.

13. "Efficient connectivity for all" strategy

Launch of the broadband strategy "Efficient connectivity for all" – the national strategy for ultra-high-speed electronic telecommunications networks 2021-25 – by the Department of Media and Telecommunications of the Ministry of State. In order to avoid a digital divide, the strategy includes the provision of connectivity for all households, regardless of their social situation, through targeted support measures. Consequently, it is estimated that, by 2025, every household should have a connection of at least 100 Mbps in download speed in order to become fully integrated into a modern society.


To foster the digital inclusion of all citizens, it's about facilitating digital access but also:

Increasing digital motivation and building digital confidence Developing digital skills

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